

东方马汇马术俱乐部,经法国马术协会FFE“法国马术学校”质量认证,由来自法国的专业团队管理,团队成员包括:Vanessa VANDEVRAYE(马妮莎)和 Joël VANDEVRAYE(老周)— 法国马术教师,组合累计70年马术教学经验。





Joël (中文名:老周)


Joël (Chinese name: Lao Zhou), Club Senior Consultant

As a Famous French instructor, he has been engaged in equestrian activities for over 50 years. 

Lao Zhou has successfully implemented the Galop® equestrian system in the education and teaching for Oriental Equestrian Club. He is not only the mentor of DFMH’s coaches, but also regarded as the lighthouse in our development. Meanwhile, he has not only set up a complete teaching and grading system of coach and young riders for the BTEA (Beijing Turf and Equestrian Association) , and trained countless coaches for the same association as well. He is currently the Director of the Equestrian Education Center of the BTEA, a member of the dressage committee and a judge of various equestrian disciplines. His knowledge has become the equestrian encyclopedia of DFMH: he is our captain!


Vanessa VANDEVRAYE(马妮莎)


Vanessa (Chinese name: Manisha), Club Director

Vanessa masters various equestrian skills. She is an examiner for numerous equestrian disciplines and also a judge for competitions. She has been involved in equestrian activities for over 20 years and once performed a dressage show at the China equestrian World Cup. Since the beginning of 2017, she has been in charge of "Oriental Equestrian Club".

She is well-organized and thorough in building up DFMH’s coach team. She has trained a talented coach team for DFMH, which, under her supervision, has constantly improved on both technical and teaching level. She pays attention to the horses’ well-being and her love for them is an example and a source of inspiration for everybody. Thanks to her meticulous management, the club is gradually moving towards higher ambition.