2020年夏令营圆满收官|Summer Camp Successfully Held in 2020


Oriental Equestrian Club have successfully held 5 sessions of summer camps in this summer in 2020. 

Our summer camp trained riders strictly in accordance with the requirements of the Galop system. The young riders in the summer camp have improved in all aspects of riding, equestrian theory, and horse care. 

They have obtained different levels of certificates in the end of the camp.

教练员在给骑手们上理论课。Our coach was giving theory class.


The riders were listening carefully to the coaches’ instructions on how to remove the halter.


The riders were taking good care of the horses and preparing them before riding.  They were taking riding classes and some also participated in horse basketball training. 


A little rider is holding a big saddle in a serious looking.

骑手们听教练讲述如何正确的备马和如何给牵马绳打结。Learn how to prepare the horses before riding and how to tie the ropes.


Enjoy the club’s lunch and table game together. The riders got more fun through the immersive equestrian summer camp, and also make new friends.


The riders participating in the summer camp

●除了开心就没有其他的啦,想在这里天天骑马。   ---Momo 

There is nothing else except being happy, I want to ride horses here every day.    ---Momo

●我是学艺术的,对马术非常感兴趣,这次特意从外地过来,希望可以辅修马术专业,本次夏令营跟着外教Alice让我更好的学习了压浪技术。  ---Emma

As a student majoring in art,I am very interested in equestrianism, hoping to have minor in equestrianism in the future.  In this summer camp, I followed the foreign teacher Alice that I could learn how to ride sitting trot properly.


●在这里不仅可以骑马还学到了很多知识,还有很多小朋友一起玩耍,下次还来。   ---Nina

Not only can you ride horses but also learn a lot of knowledge, there are many children you could playing together, and I will join the camp next time.    


●每天泡在夏令营里,骑马一点儿也不辛苦。  ---Yanyan

Staying in the summer camp every day, riding a horse is not hard at all.



The last day of the summer camp, DFMH tested the riders.